WBaduk Intercontinental Team Cup

uverejnil:Stefan Sabo 09.09.2011 | kategória:Medzinárodné Go podujatia

WBaduk Intercontinental Team Cup Opens!

The 1st WBaduk Intercontinental Team Cup starts from the mid of Sep. It is a last man standing tournament with five representatives from each participating continent. Each player who wins continues to play opponents from the other two teams, alternating between them, until there are no more opponents left. The last surviving team wins the cup!

Be the representative of your continent and compete for it.

# Format & When

l  Representative Selection: Knockout + Swiss league (last 16 players)

-       Asia + Oceana team: Sep. 2011 (registration deadline: Sep. 14)

-       America team: Oct. 2011

-       Europe team: Nov. 2011

l  Intercontinental Team Match: Last man standing tournament

-       Nov. ~ Dec. 2011

# Where: WBaduk server

# Registration fee is FREE, but the total budget is 10,000 USD!

Go to www.wbaduk.com for more information & Registration!


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